Results For Category: "Uncategorized"

Sunday 23.4.30 Team Sled Push, Carries

A. Team DynamicsSled Push 1 mile and carry 30-50# per person using any objects. One person pushes the sled at a time while all other…

Saturday 23.4.29 Mendota Throwdown

For Time: 21-15-9Power Snatch 75/55Chest to Bar Pull Ups rest 3 mins15-12-9Power Snatch 115/75Bar Muscle Ups

Friday 23.4.28 Clean and Jerk work, Front Squat and accessories, MetCon

A. Hang Squat Clean + Clean + 2 Jerks 6 Sets building to a heavy complex for the day; rest 2-3 Mins between; 20 mins…

Thursday 23.4.27 Tabata Core, Partner WOD

Tabata Core :20 work, :10 rest 4 rounds through alternating the following movements– Ball Slams– Flutter Kicks– Sit ups– Back Scratchers With a partner for…

23.4.26 Wednesday Gymnastics: pulling, rope climbs, wall walks, toes to bar

A. EMOM 12EVEN:L1: 12 banded pull upsL2: 8-12 Kipping pull upsL3: 3-5 Muscle Up transisitons to press outL4: A manageable set of muscle upsODD:All levels:…

23.4.25 Tuesday Running Deload

M: 3 RoundsRun 800m incresing effort each round and ending at 75%RPErest 3 mins between each round

Monday 23.4.24 Back Squat, Bench Press, Murph prep

A. Bench Press 5RM in 15 minutes B. Back Squat 5RM in 15 minutes 10 MIN AMRAP5 Pull Ups10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats

Sunday 23.4.23 Teamwork makes the dream work

A. Team Sled Push Push the Sled 1 mile trading off with everyone in class M:16 MIN AMRAP100m Farmers Carry 70/53100m Run 8 KB STOH…

Saturday 23.4.22 Mendota Throwdown

A. Deadlift10 mins to find a heavy for the day M:For time:20-15-10-5-10-15-102 DB Deadlift 50/35GHD Sit Ups

Friday 23.4.21 Clean and Jerk work, Front Squats, Chipper

A. Clean Pull + Hang Squat Clean + Clean and Jerk6 Sets Building to a heavy complex for the day; rest 1-2 mins B. EMOM…