Meet our team
Our team of experienced and passionate coaches is the heart of Mendota Fitness. Each coach brings a unique set of skills and expertise to help you succeed. Get to know the faces behind the workouts:
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Travis Hanson, CF-L3
CF-L3 Trainer
CF-Gymnastics Trainer
CF-Kettlebell Trainer
CF-Weightlifting Trainer
CF-Mobility Trainer
CF-Football Trainer
Today as a husband and father of four who is 40 years of age, fitness for me is more than a habit but a way of life. My faith, family and fitness are the foundation for all that I do now. Fitness gives me the ability to enjoy the outdoors, snowboard, play sports, compete in CrossFit, put miles on my bike, play with my kids and be the “go-to guy” when moving furniture :). I am an active father and hope to eventually be an active grandfather. Fitness has always been a priority for me. As a kid I was extremely active and participated in every sport that I could. In college I discovered that I loved the way I felt from eating right and working out. After trying many fitness modalities I found CrossFit in my mid-twenties. I was immediately hooked. Not only did I find it to be both challenging and fun but the CrossFit community kept me wanting to come back and the results I saw far exceeded anything I had tried before. Soon I was approached to lead a group of my fellow gym-mates in training for a Spartan race and I discovered that I loved helping and coaching people just as much if not more than training myself. After the Spartan race I obtained my CrossFit Level 1 and I “nerded out” on everything to do with CrossFit, weight lifting, gymnastics, mobility, and strength and conditioning. I began coaching CrossFit, Rowhouse and personal training. I found that sharing my knowledge with people and helping them to fulfill their own fitness goals is my life’s calling. Through the years I have continued to educate myself and have earned several certifications. I became the head trainer of CrossFit Mendota in 2014. In 2017 the founder of CrossFit Mendota approached me about purchasing the gym. I jumped at the opportunity and I took over on December 5th, 2017 and we have continued to help people get fit and happy ever since. Nothing gets me more fired up than to see our athletes achieve their goals. “Your goals are our goals.” Whether you want to get stronger, lose weight, compete or just feel better we can help you. I truly believe that fitness can change people’s lives for the better and I want people to have a fit and happy life. We can help anyone who seeks out our services and is willing to put the work in to do just that. I look forward to staying fit and guiding people along their fitness journey for many years to come.

Mike Distad, CF-L2
CF-L2 Trainer
I found CrossFit back in 2013, I had actually gotten injured doing long distance running, I thought I was in excellent shape because I could run for hours at a good pace however after 8 minutes in a CrossFit workout I was wrecked on the floor while my classmates all were done and walking around. I realized I had not been training as effectively as I had thought just running. I was absolutely hooked. I quickly fell in love with all of the different CrossFit movements that made me feel like a kid again learning and mastering new skills almost everyday. It wasn’t long after that that I went to get my L1 Certification and was able to start sharing my passion with others. Fast forward to today, I’m still learning as much as I can on CrossFit and am still a full-on CrossFit nerd. The community and the workouts still push me to get better and work harder in every facet of my life on the daily.

Alex Wurzer, CF-L2
CF- L2 Trainer
B.S. Exercise Physiology
USAW Level 1
CF Gymnastics Level 1
CF Kids – Trainer
I got started in CrossFit with the intention of seeing how it could improve my overall fitness as well as my strength so I could become a better athlete. After my first session I was amazed at the amount of aspects of my fitness that I needed to heavily improve on. Because of that, I immediately became hooked, particularly on learning and continually trying to perfect olympic lifts. From the start of my CrossFit journey to now, my favorite thing about CrossFit is the continued opportunity to improve in the sport and to actually enjoy the difficulty of getting better.
Brad Schneider, CF-L2
CF-L2 Trainer
I started my CrossFit journey in 2017 – I had joined a kickboxing gym and loved the group classes but it was almost exclusively cardio and I was a twig who had no more weight left to lose! Across the alley was an open garage door with a bunch of people flipping tires and throwing weights around. I knew I had found my people, and I haven’t looked back since! I started coaching in October of 2023 and have enjoyed running the 90 Day Journey program for new members to help bring more people into our community.
Laura Ghilani, CF-L1
CF- L1 Trainer
I joined CrossFit in 2021 after my family brought me to a community event at Mendota Fitness. While it was intimidating at first, it was invigorating. I grew up playing sports and after high school I struggled to find my place in the fitness world. What I found at Mendota Fitness was the chance to enter the athlete mindset again surrounded by a vibrant, encouraging community of coaches and members. I, once again, had measurable fitness goals and a path to achieve them.
I began my journey as a CF-L1 Trainer in 2023 as an extension to my passion for health and wellbeing. As a registered nurse, it can feel tiresome approaching health from the angle of illness. Coaching and training allows me to put action into my values and philosophies for wellness, so we can age well and look good doing it!
James Norman, CF-L2
CF-L2 Trainer
My CrossFit Story: Previously I spent most of my life overweight. I would find small bursts of joy saying “yes” to any opportunity to eat, and I would continue until completely saturated. I wanted change but struggled to sustain the motivation needed to get results. Then I found Crossfit and everything changed. I walked into the gym for my first time, unable to do a single pull-up or string together 10 push-ups. The atmosphere was electric; music thumping, people hanging from the rafters, weights being tossed around like rag dolls, and puddles of sweat on the ground. I look back now and realize I was a prisoner to instant gratification for far too long. Crossift has helped me take control of my fitness and achieve my goals, and the lessons I learned along the way have translated into a more genuine, fuller and happier life. As a trainer now, I truly look forward to being a big part of your story and your success!!
Allison Gunther, CF-L1
CF- L1 Trainer CF- Kids Trainer
I started CrossFit in 2020 as a way to supplement my participation in competitive adult soccer and tennis leagues. I thought I was in good shape, but was quickly humbled and loved that feeling of having more work to do. I was barely able to do one pull-up and complete lifts with an empty barbell. I quickly became hooked on the high that CrossFit gave me. Being around an amazing community and pushing myself to get better every day was a feeling that couldn’t be replicated anywhere else. I’m excited to continue to improve myself and help others at Mendota Fitness find that feeling of excitement and motivation as well.
Stefani Neubeck, CF-L2
CF-L2 Trainer
Nutrition Coach
I started running 5K’s in college as a way to stay in shape and gradually worked my way up to running marathons. I faced some health issues and running injuries in 2019 which made me reassess my activity and find a balance rather than mostly running all the time. I signed up for an intro to CrossFit in fall of 2019 and it was a great experience. Since then, I learned the importance of training in balance, having strength, cardio, and flexibility. Now I am passionate to help others find that same balance, training smart, and feeling their best.
Sam Nicklason, CF-L1
CF-L2 Trainer
I grew up playing sports and being active. I loved pushing my limits to see what I could do. As I graduated college I worked out regularly but didn’t like going to an average gym. Waiting for people to use machines, working out alone, and doing the same routine I always had led me to lose my motivation.
Until I found CrossFit Mendota.
A coworker had done a bootcamp here and it sounded interesting so I signed up and it absolutely changed my life. There’s something magical that happens here. Over the past 5 years my love for it has only grown and CrossFit has turned into a passion. I now turn that passion into coaching others!
Alicia Fisher, CF-L1
CF-L1 Trainer
RP Certified Nutrition Coach Level 1
Precision Nutrition Lvl 1 Certified
I joined CrossFit back in 2017. I was looking for a change and more accountability. I had struggled with my weight throughout my 20s and was never an athlete growing up, so it was hard to stay consistent going to a regular gym. Crossfit gave me the kick start I needed. Not only did I get a coach while working out, but the community of people all cheering each other on and wanting the best for each other got me hooked. I also really started learning what I could about nutrition to try to push my results farther. Because of my own results, I wanted to help others do the same. That led me to my certifications. I’m excited to continue learning and helping others as I go, in the sport of Crossfit and with their goals, to lead happy, healthy lives in and outside of the gym.
Get started
Ready to transform your fitness journey? Come visit us at Mendota Fitness and experience the difference. Our community is here to support you every step of the way. Let’s achieve greatness together! Click to book a free intro.