Open WOD 14.5
Thrusters 95/65 75/55 45/35
Bar Facing Burpees
Purpose and Desired stimulus:
– Open WOD tester
– open prep
Scaling options:
– step over burpees
– reps
– weight on thrusters
Warm up: 2 Rounds
1 min bike
10 Plate push squats
Plate I-T x5e
3 Rounds:
A1. Tempo DB Front Squats 33×1 x10-12
A2. Box jump x5
3 Rounds:
B1. Top to top DB OHP x8-10e
B2. Tempo Ring row 31×1 x8-10
Conditioning: 4 REFT
10/8 cal Bike
SA OH Walking lunge 50 ft
12 DB Hang Snatch (6e)
Rest 1:30
2 min Couch
20 90/90s
20 Cat cow