Wednesday 23.3.8 WOD

A. Deadlift

Every 2:30 for 5 sets perform 6 reps; building in weight



Burpee Bar Muscle Ups*

In between each set complete…

4 DB Reverse Lunges 50/35

4 DB Thrusters

30 Double Unders

– score all reps completed –

“* scale with Burpee pullups/burpee to 6″” + ring row “

and double the reps (2 4 6 8 …..)


Warmup: 2 rds

Thread the needle x5e

GB x10

Floor press x10e

Banded bicep curl x10

SA Banded press x10e

Scap pushup into HR pushup x5e

4 Rounds:

A1. DB CG Bench press x6-8

rest 0:30-1 min

A2. 2 DB bent over row inverted grip x8-10e

rest 1 min

3 rounds:

B1. KB standing windmill x4-6e

rest 1 min

B2. Weighted high plank 0:40-1 min

rest 1 min

Conditioning: EMOM 12

0:40 cal bike arms only

0:40 DB renegade row

0:40 Alt. SA DB jerk



Thread the needle hold 1 min e

 T spine rollout