Thursday 23.8.24

Pain Cave Movement/Sustain:

EMOM 30 for quality; keep pacing to Zone 2 on Cardio pieces 
– :45 Row 
– :45 Wall Facing Hand Stand Hold 
– :45 Row 
– 10 Tempo 2 DB Sumo Deadlifts 30X1
– :45 Row 
– 10 Tempo Ring Row 31X1

– Isometric and essentric loading – hip and shoulder stability; dense musculature
– Overhead stability work
– posterior chain development and strengthening
– Horizontal pulling strength and endurance 
– long duration conditioning – zone 2 – health/longevity – aerobic base

– Face away from wall on HS Hold or use a box and pike hold
– If inverted position is flawed scale to ring push up plank or push up plank
– use weights that are appropriately challenging and can maintain tempo
– cut time on the emom if unmanageable and form fails