Wednesday 23.2.8 WOD

“””New York Minute “”- workout from 1-29-23″

with a partner complete as many reps as possible in 1 minute,

switching every minute, until you complete:


150 Wall Balls 20/14

30 Muscle-ups

30 Clean and Jerks 155/105

Intermediate Option:

120 Wall Balls 14/10

40 Pull Ups

30 Ring Dips

30 Clean and Jerks 115/75

Beginner Option

100 Wall Balls 10/6

40 Ring Rows

30 Jumping Ring Dips

30 Clean and Jerks 75/45

Purpose and Desired stimulus:

– is a good place to pay attention to

this time of year as they tend to use movements that

will be in the open

– 1:1 intervals

– open move practice


Warm up: 2 round

1 min bike

10 Hollow lat pushdown

10 Shoulder taps

10 Banded SA OHP

10 Banded bent over rows

4 rounds:

A1. 1/2 Kneeling SA OHP x8-12e

rest 0:30 seconds

A2. Renegade rows x8-12e

rest 1:00

*increase in weight from last week

4 rounds:

B1: Strict pullups x6-10

rest 1:00

Conditioning: 4 RFT

10/8 Cal bike

12 alt DB Clean and jerk

10 burpee

rest 1:30


1/2 Kneeling Wall T spine rotators x10e