Wednesday 23.2.1 WOD


A. Split Jerk

EMOM 10; 1-2 Reps Building


6 OHS 115/75

12/9 Cal Bike


rest 2 mins

Intermediate Option:

6 OHS 95/65

12/9 Cal Bike

9 HR Push Ups

rest 2 mins

Beginner Option:

6 Front Squat 75/55

12/9 Cal Bike

9 Knee Push Ups

rest 2 mins

Purpose and Desired stimulus:

– intervals using open moves

– choose a level that allows you to move fast

– split jerk: OH strength; dynamic strength; Oly practice


Warm up: 2 round

0:30 arms, 0:30 arms and legs bike

Band pull aparts x10

Burpee to target x5

Banded SA OHP x 10e

4 rounds:

A1. 1/2 Kneeling SA OHP x8-12e

rest 0:30 seconds

A2. Renegade rows x8-12e

rest 1:00

4 rounds:

B1: Strict pullups x8-12

rest 1:00

Conditioning: 24-18-12

DB alt. snatch

Burpee over dbs


1/2 Kneeling Wall T spine rotators x10e