Results For Category: "WOD"

Thursday 21.7.15 WOD: Partner WOD

Partner WOD 4 Rounds For Time 100ft Farmers Carry 70/53 (2 KB’s) 30/20 Cal Bike 6 Rope Climbs

Wednesday 21.7.14 WOD: Fight Gone Bad

Fight Gone Bad 1 Minute Wall Balls 20/14 1 Minute SDLHP 75/55 1 Minute Box Jumps 24/20 1 Minute Push Press 75/55 1 Minute Cal…

Wednesday 21.6.23 wod: back squat, wb, bike

Back Squat 3×5 @75% 3×2 @85% 2 Sets 40 Wall Balls 20/14 40/30 Cal Bike Rest 2:00 Between

Tuesday 21.6.22 wod: seated zpress, candle stick toE touch, row

Rowing and Accesory DB Seated Z-Press 5×10 Paired With Candle Stick Toe Touch 5×20 Row Intervals Row 1000m @2k Pace Rest 3:00 Row 2000m Easy…

Monday 21.6.21 wod: deadlift, run, situps, PULL-UPS, buRpeEs

Deadlift 4×8 @60% For Time 800m Run 60 Sit Ups 40 Pull Ups 20 Burpees

Sunday 21.6.20 wod: bike, db stoh, row, box jump

32 Minute EMOM 12/8 Cal Bike 10 DB STOH 35/20 12/8 Cal Row 10 Box Jumps 24/20 (all movements should be done in :40 or…

Saturday 21.6.19 wod: snatch, burpee, bike

Snatch Complex 5 Sets 1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS + 1 Hang Squat Snatch (70% of snatch max) 4 Rounds For Time 5 Snatch…

Friday 21.6.18 wod: bench Press, du, stoh, hspu

Upper Body Strength 3×7 @70% 3×3 @80% For Time 180 Double Unders 30 STOH 115/75 30 HSPU