Monday 23.2.13 WOD

A. EMOM 10

DB Snatch and Power Snatch Cycling

Odd Minutes: 8 DB Snatches 50/35  35/25  20/15; focusing on smooth technique and speed

Even Minutes: 4 – 8 TNG Power Snatch 95/65 75/55 45/35(hang)


9 OHS 95/65

9 C2B

200Ft Shuttle Run (25ft sections)

Purpose and Desired stimulus:

– Cycling practice

– short duration/lower volume metcon

– short but intense

– scale as needed to keep times realtively short and intensity high


Warm up: 2 rounds

10/8 cal bike

Ankle stretch on rig

Walking lunge to reach x5 e side

Banded GM x10

Plate push squat x10

4 rounds:

BB RDL x6-8 reps

rest 0:30

FFE DB split squat x6-8e

rest 1 min

Conditioning: 18 mins, every 3 mins starting at 0, complete:

5 pushups

10 wall balls

15 abmat sit ups

*continuous bike when not completeing these exercises


10-12 Jefferson curls

1 min e Pigeon pose