Open 14.4
AMRAP in 14 minutes
60 calorie Row
50 Toes-to-Bars
40 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb, 10/9 ft)
30 Cleans (135/95)
20 Muscle-Ups
Intermediate Option:
60 calorie Row
50 Toes-to-Bars
40 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb, 10/9 ft)
30 Cleans (115/75)
20 Chest to Bar
15 Ring Dips
Beginner Option:
50 calorie Row
40 Hanging Knee Raises
30 Wall Ball Shots (14/10 lb, 10/9 ft)
20 Cleans (75/55)
15 Jumping Pull Ups (open standards)
10 Knee Push Ups
Purpose and Desired stimulus:
– open wod tester
Warm up: 2 rounds
10/8 cal bike
5 squat to stands
5 90/90s e
10 step ups
3 rounds
A1. 2 DB bicycle squats x8-10
A2. Nordic curls x8-12
3 rounds
B1. 2 DB step up x8-10e
B2. Lunge hold 0:30-0:45 sec e
0:40 Bike
0:40 2 DB Jerk
0:40 Box jump overs
1:00 rest
Figure 4 1 min e