This is week 5 of our “Get your first pull up/muscle up or improve your capacity”. Hopefully you are seeing some serious progress!
A. EMOM 14
Odd: L1: 12 Banded Pull Ups L2: 8-12 Kipping Pull Ups L3: 3-5 Muscle Up Transitions to Press out L4: a manageable set of muscle ups
Even: :30 BIke at moderate effort
B. Every 2 mins x 5 sets :
L1 and L2: 5 Pull up negatives + 5 beat wings
L3 and L4: 2-3 RMU negatives + 5 Ring Beat Swings
12 Pendlay Rows 135/95
8 Front Rack Reverse Lunges
6 Strict Presses
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