Wednesday 23.5.10 Gymnastics and MetCon

There are only only 2 weeks left with our Wednesday gymnastics progressions…

A. 5 sets; rest 2 mins
L1: 5 Pull Up Negatives (use band assist if necessary) + 5 Beat Swings
L2: 5 Pull Up negatives + 5 Beat swings
L3: 2-3 Strict RMU Negatives (use ground assist if necessary) + 5 Ring Beat Swings + 3 Banded transitions to press out
L4: 2-3 Strict RMU Negatives + 3 banded transitions to press out
Ring Muscle Ups*
6 Goblet Kickstand Pistol Squats 35/20
36 Double Unders
* L4
L1: 2-4-6-8-10….. Jumping C2B
L2: 2-4-6-8-10….. Kipping Pull Ups
L3: 2-4-6-8-10….. Ground/Box assisted Ring Muscle Ups