Wednesday 12-11-24


3 Rounds

1:00 Cal Bike

1:00 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 

1:00 Clean and Jerks 135/95

rest 3:00 

After comleting the 3 Rounds rest 3 mins and then…

Build to a Heavy Snatch + Overhead Squat in 6 Minutes 

Program Notes:

This workout focuses on capacity with chest to bar pull ups or an Open scale thereof but the 

meat of this workout and where we find it’s true purpose is in the bar bell cycling. Work like this 

is designed to improve our ability to breathe heavy and move a barbell. This will not work

if you do not use the right weight. Set ego’s aside and use a barbell that you can move consistently

fast with good form for the entirety of the 1 minute interval. This is about power and speed, not pure strength. 

After the conditioining we test our ability to be strong underfatigue with the snatch complex. 

Scaling the Metcon: 

– Chest to Bar Pull Ups – pull ups – jumping pull ups 

– Clean and Jerks – 115/75, 95/65, 75/55, 45/35, any weight that is appropriate per individual if just beginning their journey

– Scale the complex to movements that are appropriate for heavy lifting with proper technique per the individual