6 Rounds Each For Time
500m/400m Ski
30 Sit Ups
1000m/800m Bike
rest 2:30
Program Notes:
With the annual Thanksgiving WOD tomorrow which involves a lot of movements. Today is a good day to do some cardio/core intervals. This one will be super effective at increasing your endurance and stamina and there is a volume build on the sit ups from “Annie” a couple weeks ago.
If this doesn’t look fun you probably NEED to hit this. For you cardio junkies out there this one is right up your alley.
* In order to share the ski ergs you may want to waterfall start this one in class. IE. 1 wave of athletes go then they follow the person in front of them and take note of start time.
Metcon intention/notes :
Advanced athletes should aim to hit around 4 mins each round, Max interval length for everyone should be no more than 5 mins. This means you need to A. push pretty hard and B. scale apropriately to hit the 2:1 Work/rest interval.
Scaling the Metcon:
**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you in order to hit the intention for the day.
RX+: 20-25 GHD Sit Ups
Intermediate: Same as RX
Scaled: 400/300m Ski, 20 Sit Ups, 800m/600m Bike
Beginner: 250m Ski, 15 Sit Ups, 500m Bike