A. Clean Work
E:2:00 x 10 Sets – building weight to a heavy for the day in set 8.
Sets 1 and 2 – Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat
Sets 3 and 4 – Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean
Sets 5-8 – Squat Clean
Sets 9 and 10 – Squat Clean @ 75-85% of Set 8
*start at weight that is light and manageable in set 1 and build to a heavy clean by set 8 then drop back for percentage work in set 9 and 10.
3 Rounds for time
10 Power Cleans 135/95
100 Double Unders
Program Notes:
We are taking a week off from the snatch as your upper body may feel worked from yesterday. Instead we will work on Cleans. We are using the same clock and complex format for the clean as we used with the snatch last week.
The first 4 sets are intended to lead into sets 5-8 where you will find a heavy for the day. Push for a PR if you are feeling up to it.
The metcon gives us some cycle work with power cleans and is sure to be a fast intense piece.
Metcon intention/notes :
This is intended to be fast and aggessive. The weight you use on your cleans should be cycling weight or fast singles. This is also not a workout to learn double unders. Use the 3 strikes rule. 3 slip ups and switch to singles.
Scaling the Metcon:
**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.
Intermediate: 115/75, dubs
Scaled: 95/65 , singles
Beginner: 45/35 Hang power clean, singles or tap jumps