A. Snatch Pull + Hang Squat Snatch
1 Complex E:2:00 x 6 sets;
4 Rounds each for time
15/12 Cal Bike
6 Hang Power Snatches 115/75
6 Overhead Squats
75 Double Unders
rest 1:30
Program Notes:
Our Snatch progressive work has lead us now to going away from power snatches and working on the “3rd pull” which is the pull under the bar into the overhead squat. Working the snatch pull into
a hang squat snatch helps to develop power and profiency in all 3 phases of the lift. 1. Drive and position from the start. 2. Full Triple extension and tall drive 3. Speed in the pull under and stability in the catch
All of this being said…. there are a variety of reasons that proficiency is not yet there to move into a hang squat snatch and that is ok if this is you. This is really technical and requires near perfect full body mobility.
If this is you scale to a hang power snatch + Overhead squat. Working the progression at the level you are at will ensure sound technical progression. If we progress with less than ideal form or flexibility it could be
detrimental to your mastery of the movement. Coaches will advise on this.
The metcon will continue work with the snatch and overhead squat so we will be getting plenty of practice with these positions and moves as well.
Metcon intention:
Intervals. the Faster athletes will be working close to 1:1(work/rest). Use weight that allows for unbroken barbell movements to keep us as close to 1:1 as possible. Our aim is intensity repeats. Hair on fire. Go for it. Rinse and repeat 4x.
Our weights, calorie total, dub reps all need to be scaled to what will allow you to work hard and fast without much thought and definitely no resting inside of the interval. This is not a strength workout this is about speed.
If an overhead squat is not yet possible due to mobility or other we have several options upon which your coach can advise but first and foremost we need to be able to squat to full depth in general. So start there. Go air squat or other but
make sure it is a** to grass. The longer we practice short range of motion the longer we will deal with tight hips and poor execution in other areas. WORK DEPTH first.
Dubs also should not bottle neck these intervals. This is not the time to practice double unders. So use the 3 strikes rule and scale to singles if needed.