A. Snatch Pull + Hang Squat Snatch then Squat Snatch
1 Complex E:2:00 x 6 sets;
5 sets, 3mins on 2 Mins Off
15 Row Strokes at damper 10
10 Box Jump Overs 24″/20″
AMRAP Power Snatch 155/105
Program Notes:
Week 6 of our Snatch progressions and we get to put our position and segmented work will pay off as we get our first touch on a full squat snatch.
Perform the Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch as a complex then put the bar down and hit a squat snatch.
Your coach will advise but if there are movement or timing faults on your squat snatch then we should still use a progression stage from the last 5 weeks before we move on to the full snatch.
Technique should be mastered first before moving on and adding more weight.
Metcon intention/notes :
Our MetCon is a CP battery interval workout. We will want to go hard and fast throughout. Fast singles can be used on the Power Snatch AMRAP.
There is intentional prefatigue before we go into a Power Snatch AMRAP. Prefatigue forces efficiency in our lifts and encourages speed development over time. This is also a good way to develop our power battery. (hard, heavy, fast over time)
We want to go hard and fast from start to finish but once we are in the AMRAP portion form is king.
Scaling the Metcon:
**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.
Scaling today is all about the Power Snatch weight. What is a weight that you are not at risk for missing but is heavier than what you are capable of doing Touch and Go? Find the sweet spot. IT could also be around 60-75% of your Power Snatch
Box jumps can also be scaled to a lower box