A. Deadlift
3 Reps E: 3:00 x 3 Sets; Build quickly to 75%+ in warm up, Then hit all 3 working sets above 80% and above
5 Shuttle Runs
10 DB Snatches 50/35
Rest 1 Min
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20
10 Ring Dips
Rest 1 Min
5 Shuttle Runs
10 Toes to Bar
Program Notes:
We start our day off with some heavy deadlifts today. Push it to a max 3 if you are feeling great. Keep all working sets above 80%. Our metcon is a challenge on intraworkout recovery. 5 Min sets with only 1 min recovery.
Scales of the movements/reps in each segment to allow for fast intense work for 5 minutes straight. So choose your weights and movement scales for 5 minutes of solid intensity 3 times repeated.
If you can work hard at the same relative intensity for all 3 sets then you’ve met the intention today.
Scaling the Metcon:
**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.
Rx+: 70/50, 3 Ring Muscle Ups, Same on final
Intermediate: reduce ring dips to 7 reps
Scaled: 35/20, 20/16, HR Push Ups, Tuck Ups
Beginner: 20/10, 20/16, Knee to Plank Push Ups, sit ups
Longevity: 35/20, Matador Dips or HR Push Ups , V Ups or Tuck Ups