EMOM 6 – as warmup
- :30 WF HS Hold
- 15 Bridged DB Pull Overs
- Banded External Rotations 10 per side
A. Bench Press – 1 second pause at chest
Build to a technical max for the day – we will use this number down the road so record your results!
*20 mins max
- :30 AMRAP Cal Row
- :30 AMRAP Burpees over the rower
- score combined cals and burpees
Program notes:
- We will be bench pressing qiuite a bit over the next 12 weeks. Let’s see where we are at. Remember this for 2 weeks from now
- Our metcon is a taste of an awesome conditioning we will be focusing on through the coming weeks. If you want to improve your
engine, cardio vascular health, aerobic capicty, burpee tolerance then show up on Tuesdays. It will be tough work but the results
will be worth it. If you hate burpees then definitely show up.
Scaling the metcon:
- :30 efforts should be intense but intensity is relative to each individual. Don’t worry about your neighbor and give your
best output based on how you feel that day. - Burpees can be scaled to regular burpees or elevated burpees if going to the ground is unsafe for any reason.