Tuesday 2.4.2025


– 6 Strict Hand Stand Push Ups

– 15/12 Cal Bike

– 12 GHD Sit Ups

– 5 Shuttle Runs

Program Notes:

We’ve made it. We have now built to 40 min EMOM’s. We will continue in this manner until  spring on Tuesdays. Your aim today is perfect and efficient technique which will be challenged over the time duration.

Start on diffferent stations to share the GHD sit ups. GHD situps require very sound execution to be done safely so clear it with your coach first.

Scaling  the Metcon:

**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.

RX+:  Alternate 50ft HSW with the HSPU’s

Intermediate: 15 Regular Sit Ups, Open Style L ROM HSPU

Scaled: Z Press, Regular Sit Ups

Beginner: Z Press, Regular Sit Ups, Working sets not to exceed :30, take breaks as needed

Longevity: Z Press alternating with Waiters Carries, 15-20 Regular Sit Ups