Tuesday, 11.5.24


  • Bench Press 5@40% 5@50% 5@60%%
  • :30 Cal Row; increase pace each set ending with a 90% perceived exertion

“Benny and the Jets” – retest
For time:
50 Cal Row
30 Burpees over the Rower
40 Cal Row
25 Burpees over the Rower
30 Cal Row
20 Burpees over the Rower
25 Cal Row
15 Burpees over the Rower

Program Notes:
We are deloading our bench press today. Be prepared to test next week. We are using an EMOM 6 today for time efficiency and the bench press percentages are light so this should’nt be a problem. The bench is paired with rowing.
This will act as a warm up for the metcon. Focus on quality form on the rower and increase your pace each set to get primed for the Metcon: “Benny and the Jet’s”

Metcon intention/notes :
The main focus today will be our “Benny and the Jet’s” retest. Check your results from 9/17 and let’s push to beat your time. This is the end of our burpee/rowing series!
If you were consistently showing up on Tuesdays your endurance, stamina, and mental toughness has improved and today we get to prove it!

Scaling the Metcon:
**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.
If you are repeating this workout from 9/17 then do the workout the exact way that you did last time for a true retest.
If this is your first timeā€¦..

  • the technique of the burpee can be scaled in a variety of ways for those who need to do so for prior injury, preganancy etc.
  • Beginners can take all reps/cal down by 10 and can perform standard burpees as needed