Tuesday 11/26/24

A. Push Jerk 

EMOM 12 ; 1 Rep; Building to a Heavy for the day. 


For time: 

500m Row into….

5 Rounds 

10 Box Jumps 24/20

10 Toes to Bar 


500m Row 

Program Notes: 

We start the day off with a Push Jerk EMOM to a heavy. A lot of times when we strengthen our pressing ability as we have done with the bench press over the last block it results in gainz on other dynamic pressing moves. Let’s put that to the test here. 

I personally find the emom to be one of my favorite ways to max out the jerk and have a hit a couple PR’s this way. EMOMs do not allow for overthinking and have natural cadence and build. 

All of this being said, be smart and lift by feel. Weight is also secondary to technique and safety. 

The metcon today was recently found on CrossFit.com. Simple and effective. 

Metcon intention/notes :

Pacing will be key with this one. It is very possible to go sub 10 on this if you are very aggressive but most will be around 10-12 mins. IF we go longer then that then we have missed the mark and did not scale appropriately. The 1st row should be an 80% RPE.

The 5 rounds should be steady moving with no breaks. Scale the TTB to something that you can move steady for 2 sets max. The final row is a sprint to the finish. If you have that final kick for the final row you did a good job pacing. If you hit a wall somewhere we went

a little too hot. 

Scaling the Metcon: 

**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you. 

RX+: Chest to Bar Pull Ups 

Intermediate: Hanging Knee Raises 

Scaled: V Ups 

Beginner: Sit Ups