A. Bench Press
3@70% 3@80% 3+@90%; rest 2-3 mins between sets
3 Rounds AMRAP
:45 Cal Row ; rest :15
:45 Chest to Bar Pull Ups ; rest :15
:45 Burpees over the Rower; rest :15
:45 Ring Dips
Rest 1:15
Program Notes:
It is our second week of the Bench Press 5/3/1 cycle. Push it on the last set. This is where the money is made.
We see return of the burpee rowing combo in our metcon today with continued work on the upper pulling/pressing series. The latter act as accessories to the bench but also continue to progress our capacity with upper push and pull
Metcon intention/notes :
The metcon today is a classic interval AMRAP. The working interval being :45. There is only :15 of rest. You are given 1:15 between full rounds. This work may feel closer to a 15 min AMRAP and maybe even more intense as the rest will
allow for a slightly harder push than you may give in a 15 min AMRAP. That is the intention. Go hard while working to hit the dose. That being said our individual capacity on the Ring Dips and Chest to Bar pull ups will most likely require
that we partition the reps wisely inside of the :45 to avoid failure. It is very hard to sustain those movements for :45 straight and so those intervals should be executed with quick bunches of reps. Aim to hit close to the same reps each round.
Scaling the Metcon:
**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.
Pull Ups
Ring Dips or Ring Push Ups
Jumping Pull Ups, inverted rows, banded pull ups all acceptable, choose the one that you didn’t use last time for variance
Standard Push Ups
Listen to your body and pace appropriately. Consider :30 intervals instead of :45
Jumping Pull Ups, inverted rows, banded pull ups all acceptable, choose the one that you didn’t use last time for variance
Modified or Rack Push Ups