– 9 Push Jerks 115/75
– :45 Calorie Row
– 3 Wall Walks
– :45 Calorie Row
Program Notes:
Our EMOM time duration continues to increase week to week and we are working overhead endurance with Rowing today. Use weight that allows for fast unbroken sets. Pay attention to the scaling notes
for Wall Walk alternatives. If you are looking to perform in the CrossFit open chances are you will see Wall Walks at some point. They are a great but challenging movement and for the Open you need practice.
However If you have zero interest in the CrossFit open there are alternatives that I find to be better for long term health and longevity particularly for aging athletes or those who have shoulder or low back issues.
Scaling the Metcon:
**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.
RX+: 135/95, 5 Wall Walks
Intermediate: 95/65
Scaled: 75/55, LROM Wall Walk
Beginner: 65/45 , inch worms
Longevity: appropriate weight for unbroken sets on STOH, 50FT 2DB Overhead Carry – appropriate weight for locked in positions