Thursday, 10.24.24

A. Handstand Push-Up Drop Sets:
3 Rounds:
A1. Strict Hand Stand Push Ups – sustainable rep set; rest :30
A2. Kipping Hand Stand Push Ups – sustainable rep set; rest :30
A3. WF Hand Stand Hold as long as possible; rest 2 mins

B. Ring Work:
3 Rounds:
B1. False Grip Ring to Chest Pull Ups – sustainable rep set; rest :30
B2. False Grip Banded Ring Muscle Ups 3 Reps; rest :30
B3. Matador Dips to failure; rest 2 mins

M: Partner intervals:
4000m Row for time- alternate every 500m

Program Notes:
Today is a progressive gymnastic session and the conditioning piece is simple but extremely effective. While Thursday is often times a rest day, today is a day that you may want
to abandon that and show up if you want to progress your gymnastics or aerobic capacity.

Scaling the gymnastics work:
There is a direct line of progression with these moves… operate at the level where you may have slight but not mastered capacity:

  1. RX+: Deficit SHSPU, Rx: SHSPU, Int: Box SHSPU(hip at 90), Sc: DB Z Press
  2. Rx+: Deficit KHSPU, Rx: Kipping HSPU, Int: LROM Kipping HS Push ups, Sc: DB Push Presses
  3. Rx+: FS HS hold, Rx: WF HS Hold, Int: Wall HS Hold, Sc: Push Up Plank Hold
  4. Rx+ Strict Muscle Ups, Rx: False grip Ring to Chest Pull Ups Int/Sc: False Grip Ring Rows
  5. Rx+ Kipping Ring Muscle ups Rx/int/sc: FGBRMU – use appropriate band
  6. Rx+: add weight Int: Same as Rx Sc: use approprite band

Metcon intention/notes :
Simple in theory. Challenging in execution. Some of the most effective workouts are built this way. While it may be boring on paper know that the benefits of work like this
are plenty.
You can approach this work 2 ways. Reckless abandon or calculated pacing for sustainability. If you are a person that has trouble with pacing you may want to choose the latter.
If you are a person who needs to develop power repeatability choose the former. Your coach can help you decide.
Work hard when it’s your turn. Enjoy the rest and cheer on your partner when it is not.

Scaling the Metcon:
**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.
Scale the distance down if you can not sustainably row 500m in 2 mins at an all out sprint. Coaches can help advise