Thursday 1.30.2025

A. Core Circuit

2 Rounds

A1. Hollow Hold  :45

A2. 10 Palof Presses per side

A3. Arch hold :45

A4. 10 Wood Chopper Ball Slams

M. Players Choice Cardio:

Bike, ski or row. Use the same machine throughout.

5 Mins Max Cals

rest 1:30

13 Sets

:20 Sprint/ :40 Easy effort – max cals per :20 but aim for consistency across

rest 3 mins

5 Mins Max Cals

Program Notes:

Today we’ve got some core accessory work to start the day. Every compound movement starts with the core first. Today we isolate the core. Stronger core, stronger body.

Our conditioning piece is a players choice cardio consisting of 2 5 minte test efforts and a whopping 13 sets of sprint effort. This is a challenging one for sure but every person

in this gym is tough enough for the challenge.  Let’s go!  Show up and reap the rewards of engine development.

Scaling  the Metcon:

**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.

All level scales the same today. If anyone is struggling to maintain consisteny in the sprints take a round or 2 off.