Sunday, 9.29.24

8 Hand Release Push Ups
8 Strict Pull Ups
Run 200m

Mobility Work:

  • Banded Pidgeon 2 mins per leg
  • Banded Spider Lunge T Spine Rotations – 1 min in spoder stretch then 10 rotations per side
  • Couch Stretch 2 mins per leg
  • Wall T Spine Stretch 2 mins
  • PVC Prayer Front Rack stretch 2 Mins
  • Shoulder CARS

Program Notes:
This is a stand alone challenging workout. Continuous movement is the aim so manage your reps wisely. If you are feeling like you want some extra upper body
strength work this is a good one to attend.
If you are feeling tired from the week then it is probably best to either scale this workout down or
take a complete rest day.

Push ups can scale down to rack push ups. Pull Ups can be banded. Running can be biking or rowing.