- 15/11 Cal Row
- 50 Ft Quadruped Crawl
- 15/11 Cal Ski
- 50ft 2DB Overhead Carry 50/35
- 5 Shuttle Runs (25ft sections)
- 12 Cossack Squats
Mobility Work:
- Banded Pidgeon 2 mins per leg
- Banded Spider Lunge T Spine Rotations – 1 min in spoder stretch then 10 rotations per side
- Couch Stretch 2 mins per leg
- Wall T Spine Stretch 2 mins
- PVC Prayer Front Rack stretch 2 Mins
Program Notes:
- A great day for working on movement quality, aerobic capacity, core stability and mobility
- focus on breathing today and connect with your body
- this is a great day for recovery or focused movement work in general