Sunday 23.8.20 FBB Sunday

3 Sets
A1. Bench Press 3-6 Reps; rest :30
A2. Strict Pull Up AMRAP; rest 2 mins

3 Sets
B1. Romaninan Deadlift 6-10 Reps; rest :30
B2. Coassack Squats 10-12 per side; rest 1 Min 

Run 400m
20 Wall Ball Stationary marches 
20 Sit Ups

– Upper Push Pull super set
– Lower hinge/odd squat super set
– Conditioning + hip flexor endurance, core stability endurance and strength
– FBB sunday workouts are full body – great for aesthetics, great for muscular development
– walk away feeling good not smashed

– Use weights that are manageable but challenging by the final set
– scale the distance on the run to make it 2 mins or less