“Bro Circuit- Core
3 Rounds:
A1. GHD Sit Ups 10-20 Reps
A2. Hanging Leg Lifts 10 Reps
A3. KB Side Bends 10 per side
A4. AB Rollouts 10 reps
A5. GHD Back Extensions 10 reps
Rest 2 mins
10 Rounds for time:
6 Push Ups
12 Inverted Row
Mobility Work:
– Banded Pidgeon 2 mins per leg
– Couch Stretch 2 mins per leg
– Wall T Spine Stretch 2 mins
– PVC Prayer Front Rack stretch 2 Mins
– Banded Spider Lunge T Spine Rotations – 1 min in spoder stretch then 10 rotations per side
– Sink Stretch
– Half Kneeling Shoulder CARS against wall
Program Notes:
We start the day off attacking our core. Upper abs, lower abs, obliques, low back and transverse abdominus are alll targeted. These are the 5 groups that make up your trunk. The metcon is a upper push/pull blaster.