Sunday, 10.6.24

10 Rounds for time
12 KB Hang Snatch 53/35 (6 per side)
12 KB Shoulder to Over Head (6 per side)
12 KB SA OH Reverse Lunges(6 per side)

Mobility Work:

  • Banded Pidgeon 2 mins per leg
  • Banded Spider Lunge T Spine Rotations – 1 min in spoder stretch then 10 rotations per side
  • Couch Stretch 2 mins per leg
  • Wall T Spine Stretch 2 mins
  • PVC Prayer Front Rack stretch 2 Mins
  • Shoulder CARS

Program Notes:
This is a stand alone challenging workout. KB circuit cycling work such as this presents a lot of time under tension. Which is great full body endurance work.
Presumably you could string all of these movements together with out putting the KB down.
This will be extremely challenging to do and probably not possible for 10 rounds but see how much you can string together.

If you are feeling tired from the week then it is probably best to either scale this workout down or
take a complete rest day.