Sunday 1.26.2025

A. Bulgarian Split Squats

4×1 0-12  Per side; body weight only or light weight DB farmers hold

B. Top to Top Alternating DB Bench Press

4x 10 -12 per side



1 Shuttle Run (length of gym down and back)

10 Sit Ups

10 Gorilla Rows 35/20

rest 1 min


1 Shuttle Run (length of gym down and back)

10 Goblet Squats  35/20

10 Push Ups

rest 1 min


1 Shuttle Run (length of gym down and back)

10 Box Step Ups 24/20

Program Notes:

Today is a stand alone full body workout consisting of multiple functionail body building style moves. Anyone looking for some

extra muscle work or accessory pieces will benefit. If you are looking for an active recovery day prioritize tempo, movement quality and light weight.

The metcon is 3 seperate 4 min AMRAPs. You only get 1 min between each so pace aggressively but consider your pacing on the entirety of the piece as opposed to

3 intervals.

Scaling  the Metcon:

**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.

Most can do this RX but consult your coach for individual scaling options.