Saturday, 9.28.24

A. 2 Push Jerks + Split Jerk
1 Complex Every 2:30 x 6 Sets

400m RUN
15 GHD Sit Ups
12 STOH 95/65
9 Toes to Bar

Program Notes:
A. Jerk work: We are continuing our work with the Jerk complex. We are adding volume with the 6th set and :30 more rest each set.
Aim to progress your weight from last week as long as technique is on point.

Metcon intention and scaling:
Classic CrossFit. 15 mins AMRAP . Smart pacing should allow for a slightly uncomfortable but manageable pace throughout with little rest.
Aim to kick at the end. All elements should be unbroken for the advanced athlete. The run pace will determine who wins this.
The Situps will interfere with the core on TTB and bracing on STOH. This means the lats need to do most of the work on the TTB and athletes should be mindful of form on STOH.

Run can be scaled down to 200m
GHD situps – should be reserved for very experienced athletes. This is a movement that can be risky if not performed with excellent technique.
A wall ball sit up is a good substitute for most people.
Shoulder to Overheads should be performed at a light weight.