Saturday, 9.21.24

A. 2 Push Jerks + Split Jerk
1 Complex Every 2:00 x 5 Sets

For Time:
Deadlift 175/125
Hang Clean

Program Notes:

  • Aim for a heavy complex with the final set of the Jerk work. 85-90% of your Split Jerk 1RM is a great goal

MetCon Notes and Scaling:

  • A fun challenge combining DT and Diane
  • The weight is lighter than Diane but heavier than DT
  • This one will be a little bit more of a grinding strength WOD than DT and Diane which are faster metcon’s
  • Scale the weight so that at least 3 hang cleans can be performed unbroken with solid technique
  • HSPU’s can be scaled to Z Presses 35/20, HRPU’s, or rack push ups