3 Sets:
A. 33X1 Tempo Goblet Cyclist Squats – 8 reps; rest 2 mins
For time:
100Ft Farmers Lunges 50/35 (25′ sections)
15 Toes to Bar
10 DB Hang Power Cleans 50/35
400m Run
10 DB Hang Power Cleans 50/35
15 Toes to Bar
100Ft Farmers Lunges
Program notes:
- Getting some quads focused squat stability and position work in section A. Use weight
that allows for optimal positions and tempo. Prioritize tempo focus over weight to improve your squat mobility,
mind muscle connection and muscular balance.
Scaling the metcon:
- Metcon – a grip intesive pyrmamid chipper.
- feel it out on the front end sprint on the back end.
- use weights and moves that allow for this style of pacing and execution
- if stability in the lunge is questionable. use bodyweight only.
- beginners can scale all reps/run down: 75ft, 10 V ups, 10 CJ at light, 200m run