Saturday 2.1.2025

A. Bench Press

5×5; rest 2-3 Mins

B. Strict Weighted Pull Ups

5×3; rest 2 mins


8 min AMRAP

8 KB Swings 53/35


Program Notes:

Today we are blasting the upper body a bit. Bench Press to start because Why not? Satrday’s are a great day to perform simple lifts. Strict weighted

pull ups follow as a compliment to the bench and then our metcon involves HSPU. 8 Mins to get as much work done as possible. Move fast and partition wisely

to avoid failiure on the HSPU. Show up and move. Not a lot of overthinking today.

Scaling  the Metcon:

**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.


Intermediate: Strict pull ups, 45,26, reduce reps on HSPU to 2

Scaled: Pull Up Negatives, 35/18, HR Push Ups or DB Z Presses or knee to plank push ups

Beginner:Tempo inverted rows,  appropriate weight for tachnique development, Knee to plank push ups , if Max KB Swings yesterday: Substitute box step up

Longevity: DB Z Presses appropriate weight for unbroken reps