Monday, 9.9.24

3 Sets:
A1. 2 DB Farmers hold Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat 6-8 Reps per side; rest :30
A2. Strict Pull Ups – manageable set (AMRAP -3) ; rest 1:30

For time:
50/45 Cal Bike
40 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
10 Bar Muscle Ups
*Time Cap 8 mins

Program notes:

  • We are aiming to improve hip stability, and muscular balance before entering a squat cycle with the RFESS.
  • We will spend two weeks with these before heading into a squat build for 8 weeks.
  • Along with the RFEE’s we are super setting some upper pulling work. Super sets are a great way to get
    more work done in the hour. The upper pulling work will not interfere with the lower bodty work and vice versa.
  • AMRAP – 3 is a perceived set of 3 reps below failure. Athletes go by “feel” for this type of work.

Scaling the metcon:

  • Intention here is to sprint. Hard and fast throughout. Scale the cals to something that could be completed in around 2:30
    mins or less.
  • Wall Balls could be done unbroken or 2 sets max.
  • Bar Muscle Ups – aim for an unbroken set
  • Intermediates scale to 20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups and aim for unbroken
  • Beginner scale to Ring Rows and perform 30