A. Tempo Back Squat 33X1
5×5@65-75% of Back Squat 1RM; rest 3 mins
3 Rounds for time
50′ Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunges 50/35
5 Bar Muscle Ups
20 DB Snatch 50/35
Program Notes:
A. After two weeks of rear foot elevated split squats we are heading into a tempo squat phase. We built some ROM and single leg stability the past two weeks that we can put to work with our
traditional back squats. The tempo is the main priority over the weight here. We want 3 seconds down, 3 seconds in the bottom and an explosive drive up. Focus on full depth squatting. This phase
is aimed at getting us really comfortable and strong in our deep squat position. If you are someone who has struggled with squat depth in the past, let this be the time where we improve your ROM
for the long haul. The lower we can squat the more muscle we can recruit for the way up. For those of us who have already developed a deep ROM squat, push your weight and this work will improve your explosiveness
on the drive up. Fair warning: this is challenging work and the time under tension may manifest some soreness so make sure to recover well with good sleep, nutrition and post workout mobility work.
In our metcon today we are getting some single leg pattern work with the lunges and a slight volume/capacity build on the bar muscle ups from two weeks ago. It is common to follow squats up with single leg accessories so the lunges fit well
here. The DB snatches are thrown in to elevate the heart rate and work the posterior chain which is another thing commonly used as accessory work to squatting. The bar muscle ups are a total of 15 today which is a build from
10, two weeks ago.
Metcon intention and scaling:
- This is a sprint. Go fast and make it burn While the lunges can be a bit slower the bar muscle ups and DB Snatches can be performed very quickly. Advanced athletes should aim for unbroken reps throughout and challenge themselves to never put the
DB down during the lunges or in transition from the snatch back to the lunges. Lunges should also be performed with step through form for the advanced, no gathering in the middle. - All athletes should be mindful of the shoulder interferance on all of these movements. An efficient snatch and proper over head lock in position and grip on the OH lunge will go a long way in executing a solid kipping performance.
Snatch and lunge scaling:
- Intermediate athletes should use weight that allows for unbroken reps or no more than 2 sets on the snatches. Gathering in the middle on lunges is ok.
-beginner athletes should use weight that allows for an intense workout but sound form. Beginners can also choose to use no weight at all on the lunges or a front rack or farmers hold. The key is we want A+ form and A- intensity.
Bar Muscle Up Scaling:
- intermediate perfrom 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups each round (building 10 reps total from 2 weeks ago)
- beginner perform 15 ring Rows each round (building 15 reps total from 2 weeks ago)