Monday 2.3.2025


“- 5 HIgh Box Jumps 30″”+/24″”+”

– Unbroken Chest to Bar Pull Ups


6 Rounds each for time:

6 Bar Facing Burpees

10 Front Squats 95/65

60 Double Unders

rest 1 Minute

Program Notes:

Today we start our day off with some explosive work and kipping pull ups. Choose a height on your box that forces you to be fast and explosive putting your whole body into the action. Choose a rep count for the pull ups that is challenging but manageable to stay unbroken with

good form.

“Our conditioning today targets squat endurance and speed/power battery. Use a weight that allows for unbroken fast reps with good technique. This is “”barbell sprint cardio”” your movement needs to be fluid and fast so your weight needs to reflect that. “

Keep these intervals hard and fast throughout. little to no pacing. Send it. 3 mins or less.

Scaling  the Metcon:

**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.

“RX+: work muscle ups in the EMOM, build to the highest box possible 48″”/ 42 less reps are acceptable, 135/95, “

Intermediate: standard pull ups in EMOM, reduce reps to 8 on front squats or do 10 at 75/55

Scaled: Jumping Pull Ups or Inverted Rows in EMOM, PVC Jump Over at managable height if uncomfortable with Box Jumps, 65/45 on Front Squats, Single Unders

Beginner: Same EMOM Scale as scaled, Use a squat scale that is appropriate for the individual and their squat technique development, use a jump rope scale that focuses on proper jump mechanics and rhythm

Longevity: PVC Jump Overs, Strict Pull Ups in EMOM

Special note: Those who are unable to jump can perform a :15 bike sprint; needs to be explosive at max effort