Monday 12-9-24

A. Build to a heavy Front Squat in 15 mins


4 Sets


10 Wall Balls 20/14

10 Cal Row 

rest 1:30 

Program Notes:
We are into a new block now and our focus is shifting towards endurance, strength maintenance, and open pattern exposure and we will execute these in specific interval formats and long duration EMOM’s. These interval patterns and EMOM’s have a specific purpose in improving our ability to push in certain time domains commonly found in the CrossFit Open. 

Whether you plan on participating in the CrossFit open or not by training through this block you will come out the other side of this with a better set of lungs and it will be the perfect phase to follow up our 12 week strength biased block. You will be more well rounded and fitter overall. As always, consistency in attendance with proper scaling to meet the purpose will of course determine the success of your outcomes.

– Today we start the day off with a heavy Front Squat. Let’s see if all that back squat work carried over. 

Metcon intention:

– The interval piece is aiming to improve your ability to move fast for 8-12 minute workouts

– In order for this to work well we need to be breathing hard. Make sure to scale your Wall Ball weight and reps and your Row Cals to be able to go unbroken, hard and fast for the duration of each interval. 

Scaling the Metcon: 

**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you. 

RX+ : 30/20# Wall Ball 

Intermediate: Same as RX

Scaled: WB 14/10, 8 Cals on Rower 

Beginner: Squat form and full ROM will always take precedent so make sure your squat is perfect first. If it isn’t use air squats and concentrate on proper form. Scale the reps and cals to something you get 3 rounds done in 3 mins