A. Back Squat
Recommended Back Squat test journey:
10 Empty Bar Back Squat with pause at bottom
5@50% rest 1 min
5@60% rest 1 min
3@70% rest 2 mins
1@80% rest 2 mins
1@85% rest 2 mins
1@90% rest 3 mins
1@95% rest 3 mins
1@98% rest 3-5MIns
1@ 101% rest 3-5 Mins
:30 AMRAP Cal Bike
:30 AMRAP Bar Muscle Ups
Program Notes:
Today is the day! We are maxing our back squat. It’s been 11 weeks building to this day. We started with Bulgarian Split squats for hip and knee stability. Then we did pause and tempo squats to get strong in our positions and we finished it with a classic 5/3/1 cycle!.
Now, PR’s are never guranteed. Sometimes it takes more time to hit it. This is especially true if you are an already experienced athlete. But many of you will max your squat today and nail a new PR.
Be sure to get plenty of rest, fuel and hydration the weekend before this day.
Today we will also get some capacity work with the bike and bar muscle ups, chest to bars or your pull up scale. We’ve seen touches with these throughout this block so let’s see where we’re at with those moves in :30 intervals.
Metcon intention/notes :
1:1 Intervals. Bike capacity. Gymnastics pulling capacity. There are two ways to approach this work. 1. Aim for manageable sets and kick on the last sets. 2. Go for broke from the start and see how you can hang on. You may surprise yourself here but it is definitely more risky.
Scaling the Metcon:
**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.
RX+: Ring Muscle Ups
Intermediate: Chest to bar pull ups
Scaled/beginner: Choose your pull up scale that best suits your progression. Coaches will advise.