Monday, 10.7.24

A. Tempo Back Squat 33X1
E:3:00 x 5
5-4-3-3-2; building in weight; rest 2-3 mins – Heavier than last week by 3rd set

3 Rounds for time
200m RUN
15 Toes to Bar
50Ft Front Rack Lunges 50/35
7 Bar Muscle Ups

Program Notes:
A. Tempo Back Squat – Volume is down from last week so our intensity(weight should go up). Aim to be above your final 3 from last week in the third or fourth set and continue to build. The final set should be a challenging double. Tempo and position are
still the priority but if there is a struggle on the up phase in your final set you hit the right dose.

Metcon intention:

  • Over the past 5 weeks we have seen simiilar patterns in our Monday Metcons. Each week volume on those movements has slowly increased. This is a steady and conservative approach to gain movement specific capaacity.
  • This week we are seeing 4 moves: running, toes to bar, FR lunges and bar muscles ups. Running and Lunges interfere with one another. Toes to bar and Bar Muscle Ups interfere with one another. The good news is that the interfering movements alternate. The
    aim here is to allow you to move with relative intensity on each element. Where as if the Bar muscle ups directly followed the toes to bar those bar muscle ups would surely be affected and then intensity would also suffer.
  • And so… our purpose here is to move with relative intensity with no breaks throughout and our aim is to increase our capaciity with our Monday Metcon moves and increase our endurance and stamina with those moves.

Scaling the Metcon:

  • As our reps are steadliy increasing each week you may find that you may need to partition or be a bit more mindful of your pacing structure. That is fine but we should not be hitting true bottle necks yet. At no point should we be staring at a bar with complete failure. If this is the case, scaling is needed.
    Hit the metcon intention first and foremost. Relative intensity, no breaks.
  • Running can be scaled down with less distance or we can use a bike/row/ski/jump rope instead
  • Toes to Bar> Reduced volume > Knees to Elbows > Kipping Knee Raises > Beat Swings > V Ups
  • Lunges – scale the weight down or perform body weight only
  • bar muscle ups –
    intermediate: perform 15 Chest to Bars each round beginners perform 25 Ring Rows or scaled pull ups each round