A. Tempo Back Squat 33X1
E:3:00 x 5
5-4-3-2-1; building in weight; rest 2-3 mins – Heavier than last week by 3rd set; build to a heavy single; stick true to form and tempo; not a true max – max with prescribed tempo
2 Rounds
50Ft DB Front Rack Walking Lunges 50/35
16 Toes to Bar
Run 200m
2 Rounds
50ft DB Front Rack Walking Lunges
12 Bar Muscle Ups
Run 200m
Program Notes:
This is our last week with tempo back squats so let’s push to a “technical max” . Next week we will be removing the tempo and can reap the reward of more solid ROM, positions, stability and explosiveness in our natural tempoed back squat.
Aim to be heavier than last week by the set of 3. Form and tempo still are king.
Metcon intention/notes :
- This metcon may remind many of you of Open WOD 17.2 and it should. The difference here is that we have removed the DB Cleans in favor of a 200m run and we have reduced volume on the BMU’s slightly.
- Our purpose today is continued capacity work with our kipping patterns, single leg work as an accessory to our squatting, stamina and endurance.
- Our pacing should be steady but flirting with uncomfortable. Efficiency of movement is key and we may need to partition wisely. We want to be moving the entire 12 Mins and avoid bottlenecks.
- Lunges! Almost every major squat cycle I have ever done myself is accompanied with some single leg accessory work and so I love programming lunges with Heavy squatting. Lunges balance out our body, develop our glutes and hammys, and promote core and hip stability. You should love lunges if you want a healthy squat.
- The toes to bar volume on paper is a step back this week in favor of bar muscle up capacity progression. It will still interfere with the BMU’s to some extent however so be mindful of partitioning and pacing. Advanced athletes may end up having a volume build as they make it through more rounds.
- The volume on the Bar Muscle Ups has slowly increased week to week. On paper the BMU volume has increased here as well but the fact that this WOD is an AMRAP means that everyone will meet their own capacity in the time allotted. Hopefully we see progress week to week. This will be a good measure.
-The 200m Run is there to separate and pace. Use a manageable perceived exertion rate that allows you to perform the other movements efficiently and steadily with no bottle neck breaks. Remember we want 12 mins of movement.
Scaling the Metcon:
DB Lunges 35/20
16 Toes to Rings
Run 200m
12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
DB Lunges 25/15
16 Hanging Knee Raises
Run 200m
20 Ring Rows
Lunges bodyweight only or Rack assisted reverse lunges
16 Hanging Knee Raises if kipping has been developed. If not, 16 Tuck Ups
Run 200m or appropriate distance for condition
12-20 Ring Rows
**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the above for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.