Monday 1.27.2025

A. Front Squat

3 Reps E:2:00 x 5 Sets


4 Sets:

With a 3 minute Clock

12 Thrusters 95/65

12 Pull Ups

AMRAP Double Unders

rest 1 Minute

Program Notes:

“You may or may not have noticed that we are alternating weeks with speed work and  raw strength  work in our “”A”” segments. Today we start off with some raw strength work with the front squat. There is a time constraint with the 2:00 clock so push yourself”

“within the limits of “”the event””. “

For our conditioning element we’ve got intervals using a familiar combination: thrusters and pull ups. In order for this to work you need hair on fire intenisty ideally with unbroken reps so scale accordingly. Reduce weight, moves and even reps in order to

meet the metabolic demand of high burning intensity. After the unbroken thrusters and pull ups your work continues in the form of AMRAP double unders. Can you nail this skill while fatigued? Let’s find out.

Scaling  the Metcon:

**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.

Rx+: 105/75, Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Intermediate: 75/55 , 9 Pull Ups

Scaled: 65,45 jumping pull ups, single unders

Beginner: Squat scale appropriate to developmental stage, Safety and ROM first, Air squats, goblet squats, wall ballls, DB Thrusters, thrusters, in that order., ring rows or jumping pull ups, pogo jumps or singles(no double bounce)