4 Sets:
A. 33X1 Tempo Goblet Cyclist Squats – 8 reps; rest 2 mins
For time:
64 Double Unders
32 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
16 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
48 Double Unders
24 Wall Ball Shots
12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
36 Double Unders
16 Wall Ball Shots
8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Program Notes:
- One more week with the cyclist squats. Bump up your weights from last week Saturday.
Scaling the metcon:
- This is a descending rep triplet
- aim for a fast sprint effort
- advanced athletes can challaenge themselves by attempting unbroken reps trhroughout
- intermediate and beginner athletes should aim for 2 sets maxat each element’s set – scale accordingly