Friday, 11.22.24

A. Thruster 1 RM

4 rounds each for time
10 Thrusters 95/65
10 Pull Ups
21 Cal Row
rest 1 mins

Program Notes:
We start our day today with a Thruster max and then a thruster/pull up interval peice. There is a volume add from last week. 40 of each this week vs. 27 last week .

Metcon intention/notes :
These intervals are intendefd to be hard and fast. Approach them with reckless abandon. Sprint the row, unbroken thrusters and pull ups.

Scaling the Metcon:
**Personal scaling can go beyond any of the following for a variety of reasons. Consult your coach for what is best for you.
RX+: 10 Chest to bar pull ups or 8 Bar Muscle Ups(only if this can be performed unbroken and fast)
Intermediate: 75/55
Scaled: 65/45, jumping pull ups
Beginner: DB Thrusters 25/15, ring rows, 15 Cal Row