Friday, 10.11.24

A. Every 2:00 x 6 Sets
Odd: Power Clean + Front Squat
Even: Squat Clean Thruster

  • keep the same weight for even and odd but you can build through the 6 sets

“End Send”
For time:
50 DB Step Ups 50/35 24”/20”
40 Box Jumps
30 DB Thrusters
*16 min Cap

Program Notes:
In our strength segment (A) we are working on heavy clean, front squat and thruster development. This is high power and high technical demand. Prioritize form.
OUr advanced athletes can push to a heavy for the day based on feel.

Metcon intention:
Local muscular endurance, interferance, and grit are the name of the game on this one. Who can go unbroken on the final set of thrusters?
It is wise to take the Step ups down in bunches with calculated rest.
The box jumps should be jump up then step down; no bounding. Be steady with these with no breaks.
The thrusters are the “end send”. Your legs will be screaming at you but can you push yourself to go unbroken?

Metcon Scaling:
RX: 50/35, 24/20 – full reps
Int: 40/25 24/20 – full reps
Sc: 35/20 20/16 – full reps
Beginner: 20/10, manageable height for jump, 40,30,20 reps